Tuesday, May 25, 2010

BBMP1103 - May 2010 Semester

Beginning May 2010 semester, OUM BBMP1103 students will find that their online discussion forum will be handled by an E-Tutor rather than their own tutor.

Even the discussion forum has changed to discussion based on each chapter. Personally I feel that the new system is better. Usually we hear complaints from students that their tutor is not active in the forum. So this new arrangement where an active tutor will assist students with whatever problems encountered.

Students will also be involved in discussion with students from other centers as well and not just confined to students within the same class as was practiced previously. Hope students will get used to the new LMS as soon as possible and move on.

The assignment questions is now available in the forum. Read the questions carefully and discuss it with your tutors during class to find out which chapter will cover which questions.

Effective this semester, students must submit their assignment via LMS. This can be done in 2 ways: Write in pen and scan it as a .pdf file before submitting or type your assignment using Ms-Word and submit based on the due date given.

1 comment:

grace aka Mrs.MDK said...

Prof: I really like your blog. for this subject. Thank you. Now i understand a bit of math..lol